情人节英文诗 情人节英文怎么写

2024-05-02 1931 明贵知识网

Oh, Valentine! On this sacred day,

My heart yearns for your embrace.

Your beauty has won my tender love,

Your smile is like a sweet and gentle dove.

My love shines through you, like the morning Sun,

No other hearts like ours can so harmoniously run.

We share a bond that no one can break,

It will last forever, through the good times and the bad.

My beloved, on this day,

My heart cries out for you in praise!

To love you is my life's true delight,

And I pray, with all my might,

That I will hold you forever in my arms, safe and sound,

Happy Valentine's Day, my dearest one!

情人节英文诗 情人节英文怎么写
